Honda Keep Up

This is a commercial ad of Honda. This commercial was released in February 2015 in United Kingdom. Under the title of “Honda: Keep Up”. #Honda. #KeepUp.

It was done by Wieden+Kennedy London advertising agency. The commercial by Production Company is Friend and is directed by ManvsMachine.

We have all got them.
That voice that tells you that you’ve done all you could do.
This is the furthest I can go.
I will not be able to top that.
I have given my best.
But when you force yourself to push.
I mean really REALLY push.
You can surprise yourself.
Suddenly you find you can go faster than you thought.
And go past the limit you thought you had.
To place you didn’t think you could reach.
It feels pretty good, right?
Because we are all capable of doing the most incredible things if we just push more.
Push to reach new places.
Push to do new things.
Push to a new kind of forwards.
To improve and improve and improve and improve and improve and improve and improve and improve.
Keep pushing and get to better faster.

The commercial song is Original Music by composer Dhruv Ghanekar (Wah Wah Music). This song was produced specifically for the commercial and unfortunately, it is not available to purchase or download on any music sites.

Thus, I am not able to get any information about this song. However, if you have any information about this song by any chance, please leave your comment.

Honda Keep Up Commercial
Song: Original Music by composer Dhruv Ghanekar (Wah Wah Music)

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