TD Ameritrade Lamb

This is a commercial ad of TD Ameritrade. This commercial was released in February 2015 in United States. Under the title of “TD Ameritrade: You Got This - The Confident Lamb”. #YouGotThis.

It was done by Havas advertising agency. The commercial by Production Company is Caviar and is directed by Jody Hill.

The new man staring at that for a while lesson
TD Ameritrade has former floor traders
to help walk you through the complex trade
so you'll be confident enough to do what
you want public been up
llamo was get those guys on the horn
who... looks like it is time to upgrade your phone died last
for all the confidence you need TD Ameritrade
you got this

The commercial song is Original Music by Wool & Tusk. This song was produced specifically for the commercial and unfortunately, it is not available to purchase or download on any music sites.

Thus, I am not able to get any information about this song. However, if you have any information about this song by any chance, please leave your comment.

TD Ameritrade You Got This The Confident Lamb Commercial
Song: Original Music by Wool & Tusk

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