Powerade Rose from concrete

This is a commercial ad of Powerade. This commercial was released in February 2015 in United States. Under the title of “Powerade: Rose from concrete”. #Powerade. #justakid.

It was done by Wieden+Kennedy Portland advertising agency. The commercial by Production Company is Smuggler and is directed by Jaron Albertin.

You see you wouldn't ask why the rose that grew from the concrete had damaged petals
On the contrary we would all celebrate its tenacity
Ww would all love its will to reach the sun
Well... We are the roses
This is the concrete
These are my damaged petals
Don't ask me why
Ask me how

Did you hear about The Rose That Grew from Concrete (Tupac Shakur).

The commercial song is “Mama’s Just a Little Girl” from Better Dayz by Tupac Shakur. For those of you who like this song "Mama’s Just a Little Girl", you can download it from Amazon or Itunes. And you can purchase a Album CD at eBay US.

Powerade Rose from concrete Commercial
Song: Mama’s Just a Little Girl by Tupac Shakur
Buy the song on Amazon or Itunes here and buy a Album CD at eBay US.

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